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elliptical tracks


I just put up my latest paper, Elliptical tracks: are these superluminal electrons? at

This paper shows elliptical particle tracks in photographic emulsions that turn out to have semi-major axis sizes that are almost exactly \(137^2 n^2\) different from corresponding Bohr-Sommerfeld electron ellipse semi-major axis sizes.

This is a really interesting result and needs more investigation.

The main ideas of the paper are:

1. The ratio between the semi-major axis sizes of the detected ellipses and Bohr-Sommerfeld electron ellipses is the same as the force difference between electric and magnetic charge. This is suggestive of a magnetic monopole type interaction.

2. Using Schwinger quantization and analogy with the electron yields a mathematical model for the elliptical tracks and we can get mass and other properties for particles that could produce these tracks.

3. The experimental data suggests a scale transformation instead of the usual superluminal Lorentz transformation.

4. Using the framework of extended relativity, superluminal electrons should be able to produce these track geometries.

5. If we are looking at real superluminal particles, there are implications for spacetime.


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